To use a translation file, download (or create; see below) a PO (Portable Object) translation file and load it into KISSlicer from the [Preferences] menu, [Languages] sub-menu, "Load a Language File". You can optionally check the "Translate Tooltips Only" box if you want the user interface to remain in English while all the tooltip text is translated.
User-Contributed v2 Translations:
User-Contributed v2 Translations:
User-Contributed 1.6 Translations:
Translating KISSlicer
KISSlicer has a runtime translation engine built in, allowing users to select their language of choice easily. Using the translation format of gettext (a very popular GNU translation project) allows users to leverage mature translation tools (e.g. Poedit) when translating KISSlicer.
To translate KISSlicer into your own language:
To translate KISSlicer into your own language:
- Run KISSlicer
- In the [Preferences] menu, select the [Languages] sub-menu, then select "Save Reference Language File"
- KISSlicer will save a file named "KISSlicer_language.pot"
- Open that POT (Portable Object Template) file in your tool of choice
- Perform the translation
- Save the resulting file as "KISSlicer_XX.po", where XX is the two-letter Language Code
- Optionally email it to the KISSlicer team for inclusion here
Old KISSlicer 1.5 Translations
These translations match the old 1.5 release of KISSlicer, but they might be a valuable starting point for people wishing to translate KISSlicer into their language. Translation tools (like Poedit) will have an option to "Update from POT file...", merging in the new text.